Bebe Character SFBJ Boudeur 252 mold

Bebe SFBJ "Boudeur" mold 252 with a "baby body", size 10.Poured bisque head, marked SFBJ 252 Paris - 10, blue sleeping eyes....


The "Societe Francaise de Fabrication des Bebes et Jouets" was founded in 1899 from constituent companies it absorbed: FLEISCHMAN & BLODEL, PINTEL & GODCHAUX, BEBE GEANT, RABERY & DELPHIEU, BRU, REMIGNARD, GOBERT, WERTHEIMER, MOTHEREAU, JULLIEN JEUNE, LANG & GUILLEMAUT,  and JUMEAU.The SFBJ firm continued to market the trademarks "BEBE JUMEAU", "EDEN BEBE", "BEBE BRU".....The largest stockholders of this corporation were Salomon FLEISCHMAN (maker of EDEN BEBE dolls) and Eugene Louis GAULTHIER....