Alart アラー ~ Parisian manufacturer of doll shoes founded in 1872. The trademark represent a standing woman.
Alexandre Henri アレキサンドラ・アンリ ~ Doll inventor and maker from 1886 until 1892. Henri Alexandre bebes were marked with his initials “H.A” and the paper bird symbol. This maker used “Bebe Phenix” trademark but didn’t registered it. Very Rare bebes.
A.N. ナド ~ Amelie Nadaud’s dolls initials marked on very rare pressed bisque Bebes…
Anqueulle アンキュル ~ Articulated Mannequin style doll with special pulley joints and wooden body patented by the Anqueulle’s brother and sister, circa 1865. Sometimes we can find Huret Poupees with this type of body.
A.T. アーテー ~ Initials marked on pressed bisque head dolls made by Andre Thuillier. Fine quality and very rare dolls.
Au Bon Marche オ・ボン・マルシェ ~ Paris’ first department store since 1852, selling toys and dolls during Chritsmas holiday season.
Au Calife de Bagdad オ・カリフ・ドゥ・バグダッド ~ Paris doll shop from 1851 until 1866. Dolls and costumes sold by this shop were marked with “Au calife de Bagdad - Herbillon” labels.
Au Nain Bleu オ・ナン・ブルー ~ Very Famous Paris dolls store and dolls trousseaux manufacturer, from1836 (until now). Luxurious quality of its costuming…
A.V. ア・べ ~ Initials marked on Pressed bisque head bebes with closed mouth. Very Rare dolls.